Sindh receive damage of worth billions in one day as a dozen villages and thousands acre crops inundated due to Irrigation Department negligence

Damage of worth billions of rupees was caused to the agriculture economy of Sindh in one day, August 17, due to breaches in water distributing canals, sub-canals, distributaries and water ways in Shikarpur, Shahdadkot, Sukkur and Badin districts. Sindh newspapers have reported in details about this manmade irrigation infrastructure disaster due to negligence of Sindh Irrigation Department. A summary of the reports published in Daily Kawish, Daily Ibrat and Daily Sindh Express is as under:

In district Shikarpur near Thul town, according to news report published in daily Kawish at least three breaches of average 30 feet each were found in Musa Allahabad sub-canal near RD 83; one breach of 40 feet was found in Garhi Hassan shakh (sub-canal) and another breach of 10 feet was found in Abdul Sattar wah (distributary) due to which 60 households were inundated in villages Talan Banglani, Abal Kher Bambal, Usman broi and Danghaan Banglani. The breaches inundated crop field of hundreds of acres damaging crop worth millions. Another news report mentions that the breaches were also found in at least three sub-canals and distributaries of Garhi Khero tahsil as well. Around 50 feet breach in Kalach sub-canal of the Kirthar canal, 25 feet breach in Taja sub-canal and 40 feet breach in Lund Miner were found that inundated nearby villages and hundreds acres of crop area causing damage of worth millions. (News Courtesy: Daily Ibrat) 

In another reported incident at least three breaches in Labani distributary has been reported from Lakhi Ghulam Shah tahsil of Shikarpur district inundating two villages and damaging crops worth millions on the hundreds of acre land. Menawhile, in tahsil Khanpur of district Shikarpur four breaches were reported in the Gohar Shakh, which inundated hundreds of acre crops land as well as fish ponds causing damage of worth millions. Another such incident of 100 feet breach in Choi Shakh of the district has also been reported due to which hundreds acre rice crop land has been inundated. 

Meanwhile, due to over-flow of water in Dadu canal near village Dildar Kharos in Sukkur district inundated hundreds acre cop land and fishing ponds. Similar incidents were reported from district Shahdadkot where breaches in at least five sub-canals and distributaries known as Tanwri, Mastoi, Soonhari, Gul Shah and Kor Bero shakh which inundated three villages and hundreds of acres crop land. In another incident of breach in Bahadur Wah has been reported from Khski tahsil of coastal Badin district, where hundreds of acres land of cotton crops and nearly a score of villages has been inundated. (News Courtesy: Daily Sindh Express)

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