We, the undersigned Sindh Diaspora Organizations , Sindh Nationalist Parties and Sindh Civil Society Organizations unequivolcally and resoundingly reject the Bill passed by the Sindh Assembly,  to give a legal facade to the SPLGO 2012.

It may be remembered that this same forum had twice rejected this and a previous ordinance emanating from the Governor House, which had the same purpose: Administrative, Fiscal and eventual Poliitical Division of Sindh

This forum view these repeated onslaughts on the fundamental rights of the Sindhi nation on their own land as an act of aggression against humanity.

The Sindhi Nation is not only cognizant of the contents and intentions of this so called  "Bill", but has resolved to struggle for its reversal.

The obscure and back room circumstances and haste sorrounding the promulgation of first,  the SPLGO and second its passage into "law" by the Sindh Assembly on 1st October 2012, further and finally confirmed to the Sindhi Nation that the intentions of the current partners in the ruling Sindh Government, the PPPP and MQM, are malafide. This coalition stands rejected by the Sindhi nation, and has lost their  confidence.

The SPLGO has been designed to further disempower and disenfranchise the Sindhi nation in their own historic homeland.
It is aimed to divide sindh administratively with a view to its eventual political division in the future.

Further, the SPLGO priviliges urban areas dominated and controlled by the MQM and expands their writ into adjoining areas where their vote base is non existent. The SPLGO has given the MQM a license to eradicate or render marginal,  the vast   Sindhi speaking population that lives in Sindhs urban areas particularly in and around Karachi and its historical districts and coastal areas. The cooperation and compliance of  PPPP leaders in delivering to the demands of the MQM, shows that the PPPP is not in a position to safeguard the interests of Sindh.

Sindh's entire civil society, Nationalist Political Parties and Sindhi Diaspora Organizations stand united in their opposition to the SPLG Bill.

The SPLG Bill stands rejected.

Sindhi Association of North America, SANA, USA
World Sindhi Institute, WSI, Canada, USA+Europe
World Sindhi Congress, WSC, USA+Eurooe
Sindhi Sangat Middle East, Dubai+Sharjah+Abu Dhabi, UAE
Sindh Bachayo Commitee
Awami Tehreek, Sindh
Sindh Taraqqi Pasand Party, Sindh
Sindh United Party, Sindh
Awami Jamhoori Party, Sindh
Sindh National Movement, Sindh
Sindh Univerity Teachers Association, Sindh
Centre for Peace and Civil Society
Women's Action Forum, Sindh

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